When disability or chronic illness enters your life, it touches everything — your body, your mind, your emotions, and your future.

Whether you’ve recently received a diagnosis or entered a new phase of illness experience (relapse, new treatment, end of treatment, worsening symptoms, etc.), you are adjusting to a new normal. You may be continually negotiating your identity, your work, your sexuality, and your relationships—alongside tending to your health.

Managing it all can be overwhelming.

For many people, illness brings isolation. Friends may not understand, doctors don’t always provide support in the ways you need, and you need space outside your immediate family to process. For others, being disabled means the exhaustion of navigating a world that is not designed for you.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone.

We help people embody their lives in a way that honors their full selves. While navigating systems of care can feel fragmenting, our work encompasses the entirety of your experience and helps you feel whole.

You may seek therapy to learn strategies for coping with anxiety, depression or pain; for simply getting through the day; or for sorting out the impact of disability and/or chronic illness on your identity.

Whatever your goals, we will work toward them together in a collaborative and supportive way.

We are well-versed in the unique issues you face because of your diagnosis, both psychologically and physically. Over the last ten years, we’ve worked extensively with neurodivergent individuals; physically disabled people; and people experiencing significant illness such as Cancer, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s) and other neuromuscular disorders, autoimmune diseases (fibromyalgia/CFS, RA, MS, lupus, celiac, etc.), and HIV/AIDS. Our clinicians regularly speak to patients and clinicians at local hospitals on topics such as managing illness-related post-traumatic stress (PTSD), illness experience and identity, and navigating vulnerability and uncertainty with courage.

We understand the “ups” and “downs” of illness: the big and small losses, the joy and relief, the good days and the not-so-good days. In therapy, you can expect to be understood and seen as a whole person. You can come to a place of emotional grounding; make sense of your past and current experiences; and develop trust in your ability to move forward in your life with meaning and purpose, alongside the uncertainty inherent in illness.

If you think you’d benefit from an intentional, wholistic therapy process, we invite you to reach out today by calling, emailing, or using the form below. 

Caregivers need support, too.

When someone in your life has a serious illness or disability, it affects you, also.

Parents, partners/spouses, family members, and friends have their own experience that often gets overlooked.

Whether someone you love has just been diagnosed, or you’ve been providing regular support for years, as caregiver you are on your own journey. You may oscillate between feeling relief at being able to do “something” to help and feeling like the needs of your loved one outweigh what you can sustainably offer.

It’s exhausting, frustrating, and overwhelming. At times, you are simply heartbroken.

You need a safe space to tend to your own needs.

Therapy is a way to find resilience and manage the impact of continual exposure to high stress caregiving situations (this is sometimes called compassion fatigue or vicarious trauma).

Our work together becomes a way of receiving caregiving of your own.

It’s nourishment that can restore and provide strength as you process your own experiences of grief, loss, and growth.

Sometimes we must reach deeply within to make space for our own needs alongside the needs of others. Reaching out is the first step.

If you’d like to schedule a no cost 30 minute consult, or discuss the ways therapy may support you as you support your loved one, you may contact us by phone, email or the form below.